Well hello there! Not sure if you are still with me or not. If you are, welcome!
Man, this winter has been rough. Winter in South Dakota this year has been dragging on. We are dealing with very cold days with snow thrown in here and there.
I have definitely been in some type of winter slump. Both creatively and in life. I will admit, I have just kind of been working in autopilot. Not a lot of emotion, everyday is the same, just getting through. It’s all just been blah. I know Spring will come. We will get out in that fresh air again. For now we just need to be patient and try to stay positive.
This of course has really effected me in the creating department. I have barely touched my yarn through the month of February. It’s just been weird. I had no desire to do anything. I think I just needed a good break after the busy season last fall. Instead of jumping into the new year with goals and motivation, I needed just a step back. That’s where sewing kind of snuck in.
I had sewed just a small amount here and there since my daughter was born. Most of the projects I did were about 75% my mom helping and 25% me. (lol) Last summer my daughter took a sewing class at Joann Fabrics. That gave us the big sewing bug and we were hooked. We started trying new projects and learning things on youtube. We were into the quick and easy stuff. I love watching Dana from Made Everyday.
So bringing us back to this winter. Thankfully my mom and I planned a week of sewing together here. My mom made an amazing quilt and I had fun trying new things and making my favorite project, zipper pouches. It was so fun and nice excuse to getting our crafty juices flowing.
After she left I was back in a slump. I thought I would be motivated to sew or create everyday. That didn’t happen. The temps were colder and the snow piled up. I was back into the winter blahs.
For some reason, today I decided to just jump back in and do something. The sun was shining, which was amazing. That alone got me perked up and ready to do something. I went down to my place and just jumped in. I made another zipper pouch and I LOVE how it turned out.

It felt so good to create something again. This led me to also want to pick up the ole yarn and needles. I needed this boost to get me going. I have so many ideas for the future with Dakotah Knits. This may include adding zipper pouches to my shop! I have purchased some amazing fabric and other fun things to make the pouches really fun. I can’t wait to use this motivation and run with it. I need to make sure to take one thing at a time so I don’t overwhelm myself and get back in a slump. I would love to blog more as well. I see more free patterns, more tunisian crochet tutorials, and more.
Thanks for sticking around folks! I hope your winter is going well. Spring will be here soon! What are you all doing to stay positive during the colder months?

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