It’s Friday! I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend. It has snowed here a couple times this week and I’m sick of shoveling and plowing the driveway. The joys of living in South Dakota. It also doesn’t help that it’s been single digits as well. Alright, time to stop whining. Spring, we are ready for you…
I have been a mitten factory here the past couple weeks. Ever since Etsy randomly put one of my mitten listings in their weekly e-mail, I have gotten a lot of love and business. Thanks Etsy! I am so thankful and overwhelmed, in a good way!

I have to admit, I get a tad burnt out on making the same thing over and over. I like variety and quick result projects. So I do what I like to call a little “Knitter Paleete Cleansing”. In between mitten orders, I stop and knit or crochet something fun and not related to the shop. It really helps! Currently I’m working on a blanket and some cute Valentines coffee sleeves.
I hope you all have a GREAT weekend! Stay cozy and warm
::FREE SHIPPING to the US in the shop until the end of February::
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