Your knitting and crochet time Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft – alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette’s baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly ‘no crumbs near my yarn!’ kind of knitter. Thinking about my time to crochet, it’s very inconsistent. I try to get some “hooky time” in almost everyday. The days I don’t, I go to bed feeling kind of bummed. I try to get in crocheting in during the day maybe when my daughter is playing or eating lunch. I get the most crocheting done while she is napping. Oh those two to three hours for me are very precious. I never take advantage of nap time! I also do crocheting at night and on the weekends while watching a show on TV. It’s hard when I have to stop but I take what I can get. Source When I am getting myself ready to crochet, I like to have everything I will need around me. I usually have a glass of water, my bag of yarn, the pattern I am working on, my laptop and all my other crochet accessories. What really helps inspire and motivate me are my Knit and Crochet DVDs. Watching those makes me even more exited to get going on a project. Oh I also will receive special hugs and kisses from my little one if she is playing by me.
My favorite time to crochet would definitely be in the morning with a nice hot cup of coffee. That my friends is bliss.
Even though I would LOVE to be able to crochet all day, I am always content and thankful for the time I do have.
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